Health tips

Felke's idea

Felke's philosophy and tradition, the healing elements of light, air, water and clay... In and with nature. this way of thinking and acting has connected us for generations and is now more modern than ever. Felke therapy for more strength, more drive — an energy boost for your vitality

The ingenious therapy by naturopath Emanuel Felke (1856-1926) activates your immune system and reduces risk factors. The focus is on the elements of light, air, water and clay as “healing earth” — the uniquely valuable gift of nature. Felke therapy stimulates the immune system by two to three times and significantly lowers cholesterol, hepatic acid, uric acid and blood pressure levels. Scientific studies have repeatedly shown this.

Get healthy with felke elements

It has been scientifically proven that the treatments included in the Felke cure strengthen the immune system and reduce blood risk parameters such as increased liver, cholesterol or uric acid levels.
Blood pressure is normalized. There is therefore not only a spontaneous feel-good effect, but also fewer infections and allergies and significantly better prospects for the heart, liver and blood circulation.

Indications for treatment and therapy using the Felkemethode:

  • prevention, infection vulnerability, allergies, immunostimulation.
  • Lifestyle optimization, exhaustion syndrome burn-out, meaning/life crises and poor performance
  • Dietary obesity, metabolic syndrome, lipid metabolism disorders, type II diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, joint and spinal problems, rheumatic diseases, venous problems, connective tissue weakness. menopausal symptoms, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome
  • Constipation, convalescence after surgery and illness
  • Cold clay is applied to the inflamed area in the case of arthritis, tendonitis or injuries such as muscle strain, muscle fiber tear or bone fracture. The cold clay pack has a local anti-inflammatory, analgesic and laxative effect.

Clay Bath Experience

Anyone who dives into the Felke bath is only busy with clay. A great report by Nicole Suckert: Into the clay bath - self-experiment in Meddersheim (Allgemeine Zeitung, 16.02.2018)

Learn more

Combination of Felke treatment and therapeutic fasting

You can achieve an optimal health effect by combining Felke treatment and therapeutic fasting

Clay - detoxifies, deacidifies, purifies! Felke treatment and therapeutic fasting have a holistic effect. Intensive treatments with the four Felke elements together with lots of exercise and a healthy, organic diet strengthen body and mind. Clay is an ideal remedy against acidification. The “healing earth” was discovered for therapy at the beginning of the last century by “clay pastor” Emanuel Felke, a famous naturopath, and has been a tradition in our house for almost 90 years. In practice and also in scientific analyses, alkaline clay healing clay (pH 8.5) has impressively proven its healing power.

At Menschels Vitalresort, everything is designed to optimally develop the health-promoting effects of Felke treatment and therapeutic fasting.

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Felke tradition in Menschels

The concept of the traditional Felke Cure dates back to Emanuel Felke (1856 - 1926), pastor by profession and healer by vocation.