Health tips

More than just tumbling pounds:

Experience report: How I experienced inner silence in 10 days during therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger at Menschels Vitalresort and gained new strength. How does that actually work? Authentic reports from guests show what it means to free yourself from physical and emotional ballast during therapeutic fasting in humans.

Experience report by Andreas Nitsch

Arrival and reception

My journey to the Middle East was varied and the reception was friendly. I have already received initial information about fasting (I'm getting a vegetable plate this evening, I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, then the fast really starts). I move into a room, study the well-designed information about the house, the offers, the sports facilities and sights in the area. In the evening I get a beautifully decorated vegetable plate, herbal tea and contact with the Fasters who will start with me tomorrow. I'm eagerly going to my room in the evening and looking forward to tomorrow.


Doctor's appointment and fasting procedure

I had my doctor's appointment at 9:45 a.m., I drank some herbal tea and filled out the extensive medical history sheet. The lightweight scale is not deceptive, it is even 2 kilos more than I stated. The admission interview is detailed, for half an hour I will be asked in detail about my eating habits, sports activities, consumption of stimulants and health problems. The fasting process of Buchinger fasting is explained to me in detail, the applications and therapies are discussed with me and a physical examination is carried out.


Glauber salt and fasting

Now the “Glaubern” — the Glauber salt dissolved in water is drunk in sips — is not exactly a culinary highlight, but I have learned that fasting focuses on cleansing the intestines. On the first day of fasting, the Glauber salt and in the next few days, bowel flushes and colon hydrotherapy. I spend the rest of the morning in my room and let the Glauber salt work; intensive bowel cleansing is triggered by this saline laxative (as the doctor called it). In the afternoon, I take a walk in the gentle surrounding countryside and drink enough water, at least 1 hour of physical exercise daily and the drinking volume should be 3 liters.


Exercise and diet

Today I feel a bit weak after getting up, my heart is pounding harder than usual. The fasting breakfast and the company of other fasting people work wonders, a teaspoon of honey in herbal tea, freshly squeezed fruit juice and stimulating conversations about great recipes and post-fasting resolutions awaken my spirits. In the morning I have a massage, go swimming and do 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer. At noon, there is a zucchini broth, it is too slightly seasoned for my taste, but that's the right way, just a pinch of salt and quite thin, the minerals and some vitamins are important for fasting.

This is followed by a hay bag in the room, a warm hay flower compress on the liver and upper abdominal region. It's a wonderful way to fall asleep with it, great. Strengthened, I get up in the afternoon and go for a long walk.


weight loss and body fat

The medical fasting check in the morning, the weight has dropped 1.5 kilos, I am thievously happy, the doctor puts it into perspective and explains that the weight loss in the first few days is rapid, but that a large proportion of water is flushed out. He explains the body fat measurement to me and I see in black and white what I already knew in principle — my body fat is 4.6 kilos too high, but the muscle mass could be slightly higher.

Physical exercise stimulates muscle growth; my exercise schedule is increased today. Water aerobics and mediation in a group, plus the Menschels Route, 7 kilometers with 200 meters of altitude difference. Foot reflexology, hay bag and 2 sauna sessions round off today. I'm not hungry at all, it's amazing.

Colon hydrotherapy and massage

Today, colon hydrotherapy, an intensive flushing of the large intestine with water, I respect that, this therapy is new to me. My fear was unfounded — the colon hydrotherapy works extremely well for me, I feel relieved afterwards. My physical performance is increasing day by day, and the accompanying treatments such as hay bag, massage, foot reflexology are real benefits. For the penultimate day, I've booked a Lomi Lomi massage as a reward.

Control and halftime

During the fasting check, the doctor advises me to break the fast after 7 days so that I can do the set-up days here in the house. The construction days were even more important than fasting itself; gradually bringing the digestive system into normal nutrition was of great importance. I'm almost a bit disappointed that the fast will be ended in 2 days with steamed apple at noon and potato soup in the evening. I'm doing really well on today's 5th fasting day, I have no complaints, the weight loss is 2.6 kilos.

Circulatory system and blood pressure

After getting up, I had a bit of circulatory problems again until breakfast, my blood pressure had dropped by 20 torr (mmHg), probably quite common during fasting. After the ginger lemon tea with honey and the lovingly prepared fruit juice (now apple orange), I feel brilliant again and my motivation to optimize my lifestyle habits at home is growing day by day.

Breaking the fast and presentation

My table is decorated with flowers, the lovely service staff congratulates me for fasting for 7 days, and I am served the steamed apple. It tastes terrific, the taste perception after fasting is phenomenal, the apple is a dream. In the evening, I have potato soup (without bacon, of course), I can't make the whole portion and let a rest go back. During the fasting round with the nutritionist, we were advised to feel the inner feeling of satiety and then stop eating.

Build-up days and nutrition

The set-up days are varied, crispbread, low-fat quark, cereal, jacket potatoes, brown rice, millet, steamed vegetables, sprouts and germs, leaf lettuce, plus water, herbal tea, no meat or fish, no coffee or wine. After fasting, the doctor recommended that I avoid stimulants such as coffee, sugar or alcoholic beverages for another 2 to 3 weeks. It won't be easy for me, but I've made up my mind to it.




Andreas Nitsch

Abschluss Gespräch und Fazit

Beim Abschluss Gespräch bin ich happy, 3,8 Kilo Gewichtsabnahme, davon 2 Kilo Fettgewebe, 1,2 Kilo Wasser und etwas Bindegewebe und Muskulatur. Der Arzt ist zufrieden, dann bin ich es auch. Mein BMI liegt wieder im oberen Normbereich, das körperliche Wohlbefinden ist zurückgekehrt. Fasten war eine tolle Erfahrung, die Fastengemeinschaft mit den anderen, die kompetente ärztliche und ernährungswissenschaftliche Betreuung, die familiäre Atmosphäre, die sorgsame Betreuung im Restaurant. Ich werde sicher wiederkommen!

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