Health tips

Strengthening in the forest

A walk in the forest, a forest meditation or a workout in a forest clearing is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system, perceive yourself again and feel freedom. We can strengthen our inner balance, intensively ventilate and clean the airways, forget about stress and promote a good night's sleep.

The many negative reports, hustle and bustle are forgotten. The concentration is shifting to awakening nature, the many birds, insects and, with a bit of luck, we catch the sight of a hopping brown hare or an elegantly jumping deer in a moment. Mindfulness, conscious perception of the environment, the moment, pausing, sharpening the senses and reducing stimuli create a regenerating short vacation for body, mind and soul.

Dr. Matthias Menschel, specialist in general medicine and naturopathy

Dr. Matthias Menschel, specialist in general medicine and naturopathy

“In times of stress, a walk in the forest, a forest meditation or a workout in a forest clearing is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system”

The many negative reports, hustle and bustle are forgotten. The concentration is shifting to awakening nature, the many birds, insects and, with a bit of luck, we catch the sight of a hopping brown hare or an elegantly jumping deer in a moment. Mindfulness, conscious perception of the environment, the moment, pausing, sharpening the senses and reducing stimuli create a regenerating short vacation for body, mind and soul.

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