Your hosts

Dr. Matthias Menschel
Specialist in general medicine and naturopathy
Dr. Matthias Menschel, specialist in general medicine and naturopathy, has been running the Vitalresort practice since 2000, focusing on naturopathy, acupuncture, sports medicine and nutritional therapy.

Birgit Menschel
Manager and certified ecotrophologist
As a professionally experienced manager and certified ecotrophologist, she has been supporting the family business since 2004. The nutrition expert is particularly interested in the wellness hotel, nutritional issues and therapeutic fasting. She Deals with Business Issues, Supervises the Reception, Kitchen and Service Team. (It also laid the foundations for recognition as a wellness hotel.)

Family history — A family run hotel in the 3rd generation
Das Menschels Vitalresort blickt auf eine lange Geschichte zurück. Seine Ursprünge reichen bis in die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts zurück. Heute wird das Vitalresort bereits von der dritten Generation Menschel geführt. Das Anwesen und das Wellnessangebot wurden über die Jahrzehnte behutsam erweitert. So erleben die Gäste das Beste aus drei Jahrhunderten: eine wunderschöne englische Gartenlandschaft aus viktorianischer Zeit, die Anwendungen der Felke-Philosophie aus den 1920er Jahren und den angenehmen Komfort unserer Zeit. Wer mehr über die Entwicklung vom Kurhaus zum Vitalresort erfahren möchte, findet in der Chronik der Familie Menschel viele Daten und Fakten.The Menschels Vitalresort has a long history behind it. Its origins date back to the middle of the 19th century. Today, the Vitalresort is run by the third generation of people. The country estate and wellness facilities have been sensitively expanded over the decades. Guests are now experiencing the best of three centuries: a beautiful English garden landscape from Victorian days, the applications of the Felke philosophy created in the 1920s and the pleasant comfort of our time. If you want to read more about the development from Kurhaus to Vitalresort, you will find lots of facts and figures in the Menschel Family Chronicle.