The Naheland

There is a lot to discover around Menschels. Beautiful nature and gentle countryside right outside the door. Ideal for hiking and cycling. There are interesting sights in the area. Menschels Vitalresort is located in the Middle Nahe Valley near Bad Sobernheim - a true feel-good landscape to really unwind.

Relax and unwind

Wonderful nature

Menschels Route


Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park

Useful information and links

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Die Heilkraft der Natur: Entspannen und Heilen im Menschels Vitalresort

Inmitten der malerischen Landschaften des Nahetals liegt das Menschels Vitalresort – ein Ort, an dem Natur und Erholung auf einzigartige Weise miteinander verschmelzen. Hier erleben unsere Gäste, wie die Kraft der Natur Körper und Geist regenerieren kann.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspend Varius Enim in Eros Elementum Tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean Faucibus Nibh et Justo Cursus id Rutrum Lorem Imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Sommerurlaub an der Nahe im Bio- und Wellnesshotel

Entfliehen Sie dem Alltag und genießen Sie einen unvergesslichen Sommerurlaub an der malerischen Nahe! Unser Bio- und Wellnesshotel bietet Ihnen die perfekte Kombination aus Erholung, Naturerlebnis und nachhaltigem Genuss.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspend Varius Enim in Eros Elementum Tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean Faucibus Nibh et Justo Cursus id Rutrum Lorem Imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Genuss und natürliche Erholung

Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt des nachhaltigen Genusses und der natürlichen Erholung.

Ideal conditions for hikers

Die Region rund um die Nahe bietet ideale Voraussetzungen für Wanderer. Mit seinen Weinbergen, wildromantischen Tälern und historischen Ortschaften begeistert das Nahetal Jung und Alt. The area around the Nahe offers ideal conditions for hikers. With its vineyards, wild and romantic valleys and historic villages, the Nahe Valley delights visitors of all ages. The Naheland is crossed by a well-developed network of hiking trails, where dream loops and vitality tours are particularly popular. Numerous tours and sights lead through the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park and the Saar-Hunsrück and Soonwald-Nahe Nature Parks.

Ein gut ausgebautes Wanderwegenetz durchzieht das Naheland, wobei die Traumschleifen und Vitaltouren besonders beliebt sind. Durch den Nationalpark Hunsrück-Hochwald und die Naturparke Saar-Hunsrück und Soonwald-Nahe führen zahlreiche Touren und Sehenswürdigkeiten.

Den schönsten Blick auf das Nahetal bei Bad Sobernheim hat man von den Weinbergsterrassen und dem Orchideenpfad am Staudernheimer Hang. Der Weinbergterrassen- und Orchideenpfad liegt an der Naheweinstraße (L232) bei Bad Sobernheim. Auf dem Pfad trifft man auf wärmeliebende Pflanzen und Tiere, die trockene und sonnige Standorte bevorzugen. In der Blütezeit sind an den sonnigen Hängen wilde Orchideen zu bewundern. Entlang des Weges gibt es Informationen über die Entstehungsgeschichte des Weges, seine Anlage, den Bau von Trockenmauern und den historischen Weinberg. Am Ende des Weges bietet ein Aussichtsturm einen einmaligen Blick über das Nahetal bei Bad Sobernheim.The best view of the Nahe Valley near Bad Sobernheim is from the vineyard terraces and the orchid trail on the Staudernheimer Hang. The Weinbergsterrassen- und Orchideenpfad is located on the Naheweinstraße (L232) near Bad Sobernheim. On the trail, we meet heat-loving plants and animals that prefer dry, sunny habitats. During the flowering period, wild orchids can be admired on the sunny hillside. Along the way, you will find information about the development history of the trail, creation and implementation, the construction of dry stone walls, and the historic vineyard. At the end of the trail, an observation tower awaits you with a unique view of the Nahe Valley near Bad Sobernheim.

The local cycle path

One of the most beautiful German river bike trails. Rocks, vineyards and thick forests, enchanted castles and palaces accompany you on the cycle path along the Nahe. Idyllically situated villages, varied scenery and mild temperatures characterize the Nahe Valley, which takes you along well-developed, signposted main cycle routes with numerous connecting and secondary routes along the Nahe.

Attractive cycle paths and routes lead through the picturesque landscape of the Nahe Valley. Regardless of whether you are an experienced cyclist or simply want to enjoy a relaxing bike ride, Bad Sobernheim offers something for every taste and skill level.

One of the most popular routes for cyclists is the Nahe cycle path, which runs along the Nahe River and offers wonderful views of the surrounding nature. From Vitalresort, you can cycle in both directions along the well-developed cycle path and discover idyllic vineyards, picturesque villages and historic sights.

For those looking for a sporting challenge, the area around Bad Sobernheim also offers numerous mountain bike trails through the Palatinate Forest and the Hunsrück. These routes lead through thick forests, over rolling hills and along steep climbs, offering spectacular views and an unparalleled driving experience.

Barefoot over clay grass, sand, stones and bark mulch

Like foot reflexology, walking over various floor coverings stimulates the entire organism. About 4 km from Menschels in Bad Sobernheim, there is a 3.5 km long trail full of energetic trails and sections on the first and at the same time longest barefoot trail in Germany. Feel your feet differently when you wade through the clay rammed pool or balance on sparkling ground. Roll up your pants when the refreshing seam belt on the other near side makes it come back. Here you can get to know the Nahe Valley intensively.

Distance from Menschels:

Car approx. 5 minutes on foot approx. 40 minutes by bike approx. 15 minutes.

Mit dem Fahrrad ca. 15 Minuten

Zu Fuß ca. 40 Minuten