The Menschels
Biohotel & resort
Inclusive services
Specials & courses
Therapeutic fasting
Healing earth & Felke
Doctor's practice
Burnout prevention
About us
Nature & the Naheland
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10 nights
Would you like to do something good for your body or change your diet afterwards - with our Buchinger fasting days, we help you get off to a healthier start.
14 nights
Preventive fasting days according to Buchinger - an excellent way to prevent and alleviate symptoms and perfect for starting a change in diet.
21 nights
Intensive therapeutic fasting with effect and proven treatment for various health problems. Has a particularly positive effect on chronic diseases.
7 nights
Healing clay
Your energy boost for everyday use. Individual Felke treatments, lots of exercise, conscious relaxation and a healthy diet — a mix with real vitality effects.
The proven Felke program with plenty of time for regeneration and detoxification. It helps with rheumatic and degenerative diseases and alleviates skin and varicose veins.
“Off” curing with the elements light, air, water and clay as “healing earth.” Stimulates the immune system, significantly lowers cholesterol, hepatic acid, uric acid and blood pressure levels.
When your body and mind are no longer able to regenerate, it is high time to take action - we will support you.
2 prevention weeks
Back to life! This program gives you courage and strength again when you feel exhausted and listless.
3 weeks of prevention
Learn to train your resistance to overload. We have developed targeted innovative programs for both prevention and treatment of burnout.
Enjoy an unforgettable journey through the Middle East and be enchanted by the beauty, hospitality and culinary culture of this unique region.
5 nights
Wonderful relaxation, lots of nature, some wellness and peace in the Nahe wine-growing region. A perfect break from everyday life.
3 nights
Discover the silence in the side valleys of the Nahe by bike or on a hike with great views. A break to relax.
Clay treatments, exercise and relaxation program combined with healthy vitality cuisine - recharge your batteries with Felke
Season specials
12.-19.05.2024 I 06.-13.10.2024
Fasting according to Buchinger, supplemented with daily guided hikes.
3 Nächte
22.09. - 08.12.2024
Erleben Sie erholsame Tage voller Entspannung und natürlicher Schönheit, ideal für die Herbstzeit.
14 Nächte
22.09 - 08.12.2024
Erleben Sie eine ganzheitliche Stärkung Ihres Immunsystems durch mit dem 14-tägigen Herbst-Immun-Fit-Programm und spüren die Kraft der Natur und die Anwendungen nach Felke.
Calm movements and exercises in various positions enable the muscles and nervous system to develop positively.
7 Nächte
Mit Menschels Immun-Fit Arrangement stärken Sie Ihr Immunsystem und sorgen für nachhaltiges Wohlbefinden.
14.- 17.04.2024 I 01.-04.09.2024
Our experienced Qigong teacher Gerhard Müller shows simple effective exercises to maintain health and prevent all kinds of diseases.
Outpatient, 1 week
28.02.2024 bis 06.03.2024
“How to be reborn through fasting” 1 week fasting course for healthy people, outpatient with great supporting program.
28.- 31.01.24 / 02.- 05.06.24 / 29.09 - 02.10.24 / 24. - 27.11.24
4 days retreat with Kundalini yoga for everyone and all ages. Let go of the usual and discover a new way of enjoying life.
05.-08.04.2024 I 08.-11.11.2024
They become more balanced, more energetic and can better deal with life's challenges. Deepen your yogic practice - sometimes slowly and contemplatively, sometimes dynamically and powerfully.
Buchen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt im Menschels für den Zeitraum vom 22.07. bis 31.08. und erhalten Sie bei Angabe des Codes eine zusätzliche 25-minütige Massage kostenlos dazu!